The California Chamber of Commerce is the largest, broad-based business advocate to government in California, working at the state and federal levels to influence government actions affecting all California business. As a not-for-profit, we leverage our front-line knowledge of laws and regulations to provide affordable and easy-to-use compliance products and services.

Redondo Beach Chamber Chair Fights for Business at All Levels

Taking action on issues that matter to him has been second nature to Redondo Beach business leader Michael Jackson for decades. Jackson, a 2014 recipient...

CalChamber Vote Record: Major Bills 2014

This report for the second year of the 2013–2014 legislative session focuses on California legislators’ floor votes on California Chamber of Commerce priority bills. This...

CalChamber Best Business Votes

Legislators are listed in descending order according to how often they voted in accord with the California Chamber of Commerce position (first number) versus...

CalChamber-Opposed Bills Get Signatures, Win Vetoes

Legislation strongly opposed by the California Chamber of Commerce has been signed by the Governor, who also agreed with CalChamber opposition in vetoing other...

Overview of November Ballot Measures

Following are brief summaries of the measures that will appear on the November General Election ballot. When the California Chamber of Commerce has taken...

Final Status Report on Major Business Bills

The following list summarizes the final status of priority bills for the California Chamber of Commerce that were sent to the Governor this year,...

CalChamber Supports Propositions 1 and 2

Yes to Water Supply/Storage, Rainy Day Reserve The California Chamber of Commerce is supporting Proposition 1 and Proposition 2 on the November general election ballot. Proposition...

CalChamber Opposes Propositions 45, 46, 47

The California Chamber of Commerce is opposing Proposition 45, Proposition 46 and Proposition 47 on the upcoming November election ballot. Proposition 45 gives the state...

CalChamber Status Update Report on Major Legislation for Business

The following list summarizes top priority bills for the California Chamber of Commerce and their status as of August 31, when the Legislature began...

Lead Co-Counsel Recaps Teacher Tenure Case for CalChamber Board

The landmark court decision striking down state teacher tenure laws was not anti-union or anti-teacher, but “pro student,” the attorney who led the legal...

CalChamber Positions on November Ballot Measures

Proposition 1 - Support Water supply/storage bond Proposition 2 - Support State budget stabilization; rainy day reserve Proposition 45 - Oppose Insurance Commissioner approval of health care rate changes Proposition...

Costly Anti-Business Bills Pass Legislature to Governor

Numerous proposals that make it more difficult and more expensive to do business in California passed the Legislature in the closing days of the...

SF Entrepreneur Gets Involved to Promote Change in Community

“When I was a young professional working in tech companies in Silicon Valley, it never occurred to me to get involved in local government,”...

Flood of Costly Proposals Moving in Legislature

California Chamber of Commerce-opposed bills that don’t earn the “job killer” label still pose problems for California businesses and deserve to be rejected. The CalChamber...