
Federal Legislation Eases California Water Shortages

California’s water future will get brighter with the passage of the bipartisan, comprehensive federal legislation, America’s Water Infrastructure Act 2018 (AWIA). The bill passed the...

State Water Board Delays Final Action on Controversial Delta Plan

At the request of the administration, the State Water Resources Control Board plans to delay final action on the final draft plan update for...

Water Storage Projects Move a Step Closer to Gaining California Bond Funding

Eight of 11 water storage projects seeking funding from a bond measure approved by voters in 2014 advanced to the next phase of the...

Water Storage Project Funding Requests Fare Better in Second Round of Reviews

The California Water Commission is moving closer to approving requests for funding from Proposition 1, the 2014 ballot measure authorizing $2.7 billion for investments...

Clear Requirements Can Help Ease Review of Water Storage Project Funding Requests

The California Water Commission is in the middle of reviewing applications from a dozen water projects statewide for funding from Proposition 1, the measure...

CalChamber Backs Two Proposed Water Bonds

The California Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors recently voted to support two proposed water bond measures, an initiative aimed at the November 2018...

CalChamber-Supported WaterFix Gains Critical State Approval

The California Chamber of Commerce-supported California WaterFix project has achieved the next crucial milestone on the road to securing the state’s future water supplies. The...

CalChamber-Backed California WaterFix Moves Forward

With this week’s release of biological opinions (BiOps) from federal agencies responsible for protecting species listed under the federal Endangered Species Act (ESA), the...

End of Drought Emergency Gives Way to Conservation as ‘Way of Life’

Prohibitions on wasteful water practices will remain in force following the Governor’s ending the drought state of emergency he declared in January 2014. The drought...

Flood Management Overview Report Spotlights Need for Ongoing Efforts

Generating funding to maintain and upgrade California’s aged and extensive flood management infrastructure is a key challenge facing the state, according to a report...