
Request for Religious Accommodation: Interactive Process Key

My employee is asking for a month off due to her religion, which requires that she not work after dark for about a month....

How State Cannabis Laws Affect Testing, Questions About Use

I’ve heard California law protects employees who use cannabis. Is it true that we can no longer test for, or discipline, an employee who...

Asking Applicants about Vehicle Ownership May Be Discriminatory

We’ve experienced challenges with employees being unable to come to work due to car troubles. In job interviews, is it OK to ask an...

Alcohol/Drug Rehab Leave: State/Federal Laws Provide Protections

One of our employees informed us that he is planning to enter a six-week alcohol or drug rehabilitation program. Are we required to provide...

Labor Commissioner FAQ Ties Paid Sick Time Off to Work Day Length

I understand that the state is now requiring employers to provide more time off for paid sick leave than it did in previous years....

When Family Leave Time Ends, Other Protected Leaves May Apply

We have an employee who is currently on California Family Rights Act (CFRA) leave. She will exhaust this leave in one week. She has...

Use Caution When Granting Family Leave Before Employee Is Eligible

My employee wants to take 12 weeks off for child bonding, but he has worked for us for only 11 months so he’s not...

Standards Board Keeps Moving on Proposed Indoor Heat Illness Standard

What is the status of Cal/OSHA’s indoor heat illness prevention standard? The Occupational Safety and Health Standards Board will soon hear the second revision of...

Workers’ Comp: Pay for Follow-Up Doctor’s Appointments Not Required

My employee sustained an injury on the job a few months ago. He is claiming that we have to pay for his doctor’s and therapy appointments. Is this true?

Considerations for Back-to-Back Pregnancy, Family Leaves

My employee of five years gave birth and would like to use California Family Rights Act (CFRA) child bonding time immediately following her pregnancy...