Tag: Terminations

Floating Holiday Policy Determines Payout When Employment Ends

Our company offers floating holidays to employees. Do these floating holidays have to be paid out at termination? The short answer is — it depends....

Medical Certification Important for Workers’ Comp Claim Absences

We have an employee with an active workers’ compensation claim. We agreed with the employee that he would work a normal 40-hour-per-week schedule with...

Helpline Top Concerns: Remote Workers Moving, School-Related Leaves

In Episode 182 of The Workplace podcast, CalChamber employment law experts Matthew Roberts and Ellen Savage discuss some of the latest labor and employment...

Terminating Employee on Workers’ Comp Involves Delicate Decisions

We are a smaller employer with only 16 employees, and we have an employee who has been on workers’ compensation for more than eight...

Employee Arrested While Off Duty? Proceed Cautiously; Gather Facts

One of our employees did not show up for work yesterday and failed to call or otherwise notify us of his absence. We have...

Warnings to Employee with Bad Attitude Should Focus on Specifics

We would like to terminate an employee who has a bad attitude that rubs off on other employees. However, we haven’t given him any...

Does School Activities Leave Law Include High School Graduation?

Do I have to allow my employee to attend her grandson’s high school graduation? We approved her request 2 months ago but now we...

Workers’ Comp Doctor Not Final Say on Employee’s Condition

One of my employees has been out on a leave of absence due to a work-related injury for almost a year now. My workers’...

Steps to Follow Before Terminating Underperforming Employee

We have a short-term employee we recently moved into a new position, but he just isn’t “getting it.” His manager wants to terminate him...

Issues to Consider If You Cut Short a Quitting Employee’s Time at Work

An employee who has been something of a problem for the company came to me today, and stated that she was quitting. She told...