Sunny Lee joined the CalChamber in 1995 and assisted callers on the Labor Law Helpline through January 2022. Before joining the CalChamber staff, Lee represented employers in state and federal court and before governmental agencies. She has extensive dispute resolution experience, having served as a court mediator in harassment cases, employment disputes and business litigation. She has trained employers and conducted audits of employment practices. Lee earned a J.D. from the McGeorge School of Law, University of the Pacific.

Steps to Take When Employee Tests Positive for COVID-19

What am I required to do when an employee tests positive for COVID? • Notify employees and employers of subcontracted employees who were on the...

Answers to Common Questions about Completing Form I-9

As employers are again hiring, a number of questions have arisen concerning the Form I-9 (Employment Eligibility Verification Form). The following questions and answers...

What to Do When Employee’s I-9 Work Authorization Document Expired

Can an employee work beyond the expiration date of a work authorization document? The answer to the question depends on whether the right to work...

How to Handle a California Pregnancy Disability Accommodation

Do I have to continue to accommodate a pregnant employee who continues to be late or absent from work when she has used up...

California Family Rights Act Leave Raises Issues and Questions

My employee has used her Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)/California Family Rights Act (CFRA) time last year to care for her mother. Now...

Report COVID-19 Positive Test Result to Workers’ Comp Carrier

Do I have to have to file a workers’ compensation claim every time one of my employees tests positive for COVID-19? No. The new law...

Sexual Harassment Prevention Training Applies to Minors

We hired an employee who is 15 years old. Are we required to provide sexual harassment prevention training to him? What if he will...

COVID-19 and a New Hire’s Expired Identity Document

We just hired an employee who does not have a current identity document. Her driver license expired on April 1, and she says that...

COVID-19 and Form I-9 Requirements

Our offices are closed due to COVID-19 and the shelter-in-place order. We hired an employee who will be working at home remotely until we...

New Form I-9: Answers to Common Questions

On January 31, 2020, the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) published and posted on its website a new Form I-9, which employers...

Small Firm Eyes Medical Leave Policies to Put in Employee Handbook

We are a small company of 30 employees. Are we required to have a medical leave policy in our employee handbook? Many different types of...

When Foster Care Leads to Adoption, Just One Family Leave Applies

I have an employee who is going through counseling to become a foster parent. Is she eligible for the federal Family Medical Leave Act...

Driver License with Limiting Note OK to Establish Identity

A new employee gave me a current California driver license. On the front of the license there is a notation “FEDERAL LIMITS APPLY.” Can...

Laws Bar Employers from Denying Lactation Accommodation Requests

My employee is returning from pregnancy leave and has asked to have time off and a suitable place to express milk at work. We...

Leave of Absence Options Available for New Dad in California

Our employee’s wife just had a baby and he is asking us if he can take time off work and how much he will...

Potential Family Leave Act Factors in Time Off for Grandchild’s Birth

My employee wants to take federal Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) leave when her daughter has a baby. Can I deny her request? Typically,...

State/Local Laws Restrict Use of Information on Criminal Offenses

An applicant voluntarily disclosed that when he was a minor he had a felony conviction that has since been expunged. Can we refuse to...