Tag: Discrimination

What to Do When Pre-Job Test Shows Rehab Prescription Drug Use

We made a conditional offer of employment to an applicant subject to a pre-employment drug test. His test came back positive for Suboxone. He...

Key 2024 Court Cases Affecting Employers

In Episode 197 of The Workplace podcast, CalChamber Associate General Counsel Matthew Roberts and Employment Law Subject Matter Expert Vanessa Greene discuss three recent...

U.S. Supreme Court Says Lateral Job Transfer Can Be Discriminatory

The U.S. Supreme Court recently issued a decision holding that a lateral job transfer can be discriminatory under Title VII when the transfer brought...

Podcast Examines AI’s Workplace Opportunities, Challenges

In Episode 186 of The Workplace podcast, CalChamber Associate General Counsel Matthew Roberts and Peter Bittner, award-winning multimedia journalist and artificial intelligence (AI) consultant,...

Moonlighting OK, But Not Job Performance/Attendance Issues

Can California employers require employees to submit written notification/disclosure that they have a second job? California is very protective of employees who engage in “lawful...

Panelists Share Insights on Fostering Diversity, Inclusion; Video Available

Fostering diversity and inclusion in the workforce requires strong intention and difficult conversations, Audra Bohannon, senior client partner at Korn Ferry, advises in a...

U.S. Supreme Court Extends Sexual Orientation, Transgender Protections

This week, the U.S. Supreme Court issued a long-awaited ruling on whether a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity fall within Title VII of...

Ageism at Work: Prevent Liability by Focusing on Abilities, Not Age

In today’s modern workforce, it’s not uncommon to find employees from a number of generations in a single company. In Episode 30 of The...

Warnings to Employee with Bad Attitude Should Focus on Specifics

We would like to terminate an employee who has a bad attitude that rubs off on other employees. However, we haven’t given him any...

CalChamber Urges Agency to Withdraw Proposed Regulatory Amendments

In a comment letter this week, the California Chamber of Commerce and other employer groups urged the Fair Employment and Housing Council to withdraw...