Laura E. Curtis served as a CalChamber policy advocate from December 2017 to March 4, 2020. She specialized in labor and employment, workers’ compensation, and regulatory reform issues. Before joining the CalChamber policy team, she was a labor and employment attorney counseling clients on subjects including wage-and-hour disputes, harassment, discrimination, retaliation, Private Attorneys General Act (PAGA) claims, and administrative agency compliance. Curtis holds a B.A. in communications with a minor in political science from the University of California, San Diego. She earned a J.D. from Santa Clara University School of Law, where she worked on the International Law Journal. See full bio.

First Entries on 2020 Job Killer List Similar to Previous Failed Proposals

This week, the California Chamber of Commerce named two recently introduced bills as 2020 job killers. The bills are very similar to prior versions also...

Oh, What a Relief It Isn’t—AB 5 and the B2B Exemption

The new law governing independent contracting, AB 5, includes what can be described as a business-to-business (B2B) exemption. But a close examination of the...

Job Killer Bill Increases Workers’ Compensation Costs for Hospitals

The California Chamber of Commerce reminded legislators this week that pending job killer legislation will significantly increase workers’ compensation costs for public and private...

Independent Contractor Test Applies Retroactively

Last week, a federal appeals court ruled that the test for determining whether a worker is an independent contractor, established by last year’s California...

CalChamber Seeks to Restore Flexibility for More Workers

The California Chamber of Commerce and a broad-based coalition is continuing to seek amendments to pending legislation that makes a start toward restoring flexibility...

Fight for Flexibility Continues

As the constant buzz about Dynamex continues around the State Capitol, we repeatedly hear about how employees can have the same flexible work schedules...

Assembly Committee Moves Along Three Previously Vetoed Bills

Three California Chamber of Commerce-opposed bills virtually identical to previously vetoed proposals were approved by the Assembly Labor and Employment Committee this week. Passed with...

Many Failed Labor/Employment Bills Getting Reintroduced in Current Session

The reintroduction of several bills from last year sure makes it feel like “Groundhog Day” at the State Capitol. Even though there still is...

Coalition Continues Push for Workplace Flexibility

As the 2019 legislative session gets underway, a California Chamber of Commerce-led coalition is continuing its efforts to develop a proposal supporting the ability...

SB 1300 Expands FEHA Litigation

Last fall, Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. signed SB 1300 (Jackson; D-Santa Barbara), a comprehensive bill that makes several changes in the law for...

CalChamber Seeks Changes to Regulations on New Parent Leave, Ban-the-Box Laws

The California Chamber of Commerce is leading a coalition seeking technical changes to state regulations proposed to implement two laws that went into effect...

Pay Data Disclosure Bill No Longer Job Killer

As a result of recent amendments, a California Chamber of Commerce-opposed bill dealing with pay data disclosure has been removed from the job killer...

CalChamber Urges Agency to Withdraw Proposed Regulatory Amendments

In a comment letter this week, the California Chamber of Commerce and other employer groups urged the Fair Employment and Housing Council to withdraw...

Employment-Related Job Killers Move to Assembly Fiscal Committee

The Assembly Judiciary Committee this week sent to the fiscal committee two California Chamber of Commerce-opposed job killer bills dealing with employment-related matters. One...

Senate Committees OK Conflicting Mandate, Pathway to Litigation for State Employers

A California Chamber of Commerce-opposed bill creating another pathway of costly litigation against employers won approval by two Senate policy committees this week. AB 3081...

CalChamber-Sponsored Bill Ends Cycle of Harassment

A California Chamber of Commerce-sponsored job creator bill that will enable businesses to avoid hiring repeat sexual harassment offenders, ending the cycle of harassment...

CalChamber-Sponsored Bill Advances in Assembly

A California Chamber of Commerce-sponsored job creator bill that codifies case law to ensure victims of sexual harassment and employers are not sued for...