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CalChamber Efforts Stop 3 Job Killer Bills, 7 Oppose Bills

Three California Chamber of Commerce job killer bills and seven oppose bills have been stopped from advancing this year after being held in legislative...

Moonlighting OK, But Not Job Performance/Attendance Issues

Can California employers require employees to submit written notification/disclosure that they have a second job? California is very protective of employees who engage in “lawful...

Background Checks Bill Passes Senate

A California Chamber of Commerce-supported bill that will restore the accessibility of key court electronic indexes for conducting background checks passed the Senate this...

Biden Administration Turns to Indo-Pacific with Launch of Economic Framework

President Joe Biden launched the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework (IPEF) negotiations with 12 other countries on Monday, May 23. Those countries are Australia, Brunei Darussalam, India,...

Specialists Gather to Exchange Insights on Global International Trade Concerns

The California Chamber of Commerce recently joined nearly 150 trade specialists from across the nation for sessions focused on trade issues at the National...

Industry Opposition Causes Agency to Restart Prop. 65 Warning Proposal

A regulatory proposal to upend how businesses present Proposition 65 warnings has been dropped by the state agency in charge so it can come...

May Budget Revise Focuses on Use of Record Surplus

The strong economic performance by key California industry sectors and entrepreneurs was reflected last week in the upward revision of the state’s general revenues...

CalChamber Backs Effort to Keep Child Care Available to Workers

This week the California Chamber of Commerce joined a bipartisan group of legislators, labor and child advocacy organizations to voice strong support for legislation...

A Look at Drug Testing, Privacy Rights and Last Chance Agreements

My employee provided a doctor’s note for recent time off that included information that he was out due to “cocaine poisoning.” With this information,...

California Approaches Driest Year Yet; Help Conserve Water with These Steps

California is on the cusp of the worst drought in its history. Today, more than 95% of the state is in “severe drought,” and...