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How to Calculate Rest Break Payment for Piece-Rate Workers

We pay our employees by piece rate. What is this I’m hearing about paying additional wages for the rest break? Is this true and...

Governor, Democrats Agree on Budget

Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. this week announced that he and the Democratic leaders of the Assembly and Senate have reached agreement on a...

CalChamber Urges State Senate to Support Reauthorization of Export-Import Bank

A California Chamber of Commerce-supported state resolution urging Congress to reauthorize the Export-Import Bank of the United States (Ex-Im Bank) is awaiting a vote...

Live Webinar on Avoiding Discrimination / Harassment in Workplace

Retaliation, disability and sex discrimination/harassment comprised more than half of the 65,388 employment complaints filed in California in 2014, according to the California Department...

Capitol Report: ‘Job Killer’ Undermines Prop. 13 Protections, Would Raise Costs for Small Businesses

A recently amended “job killer,” SCA 5 (Hancock; D-Berkeley)/Mitchell; D-Los Angeles), now seeks to undermine the protections of Proposition 13 by unfairly targeting commercial...

Disability Access Reform/Education Bill Still Alive

A California Chamber of Commerce-sponsored job creator bill that incentivizes disability access and education awaits assignment to an Assembly policy committee after passing the...

CalChamber Stops Two More ‘Job Killers’ on Assembly Floor

Two “job killers” failed to move off the Assembly Floor on June 4, missing Friday’s deadline for bills to pass the house in which...

Anti-Arbitration ‘Job Killer’ Passes Committee

A California Chamber of Commerce-opposed bill that could significantly drive up litigation costs for all California employers, if enacted, passed a Senate policy committee...

CalChamber, Broad Business Coalition Support Federal Ports Legislation

The California Chamber of Commerce has joined a large coalition to ensure that port disruptions due to labor contract negotiations do not have a...

Salary Just One Part of California Requirements for Overtime Exemption

I just read an article about paying employees for the time they spend using their personal cell phones for company business, and it said...