Gary Hermann joined the CalChamber in 2004 as an HR adviser. He previously worked for the Division of Labor Standards Enforcement for 26 years as a hearing officer, senior deputy labor commissioner and regional manager. His experience included processing wage claims, conducting investigations, staff development training and supervising 100 employees in nine district offices. He holds a J.D. from the University of Oregon.

New Requirements for Paying Piece-Rate Employees for Rest Breaks

What are the requirements for compensating piece-rate paid employees for rest breaks and other nonproductive time? A number of recent California and federal cases regarding...

When Local Minimum Wage Affects Exempt Salary Requirement

Do the locally mandated minimum wage ordinances in cities like Oakland, San Diego, San Francisco and San Jose affect the minimum salary requirements for...

Previously Worked Overtime Can’t Be Counted as Makeup Time

Can an employee use makeup time if he or she misses a day of work and submits a written request to use overtime previously...

Many Factors to Consider When Employing Unpaid Volunteers

Can a for-profit business make use of unpaid volunteers? It is highly unlikely that a for-profit business can make use of unpaid volunteers; the organization...

Payment Rules for Unused Paid Time Off Differ for Vacation, Sick Leave

Does an employer have to pay employees for unused paid time off? It depends upon what kind of paid time off it is. Employers may...

Alternative Workweek Hours May Start 30 Days After Announcement

Is the 30-day delay from the date of an alternative workweek vote to the institution of the schedule mandatory? Yes, as far as an employer...

Holiday Pay for Exempt Employees Depends on Employer’s Policy

Does an exempt employee have to be paid for a holiday for which the employer closes? Perhaps. California law does not require an employer to pay...

Makeup Time Sometimes OK for Employees on Alternative Workweek

Is makeup time available to employees working an alternative workweek? Yes, in some instances! Section 513 of the California Labor Code spells out the criteria for...