Appeals Court Rules: Project Consistency with GHG Plan Sufficient Under CEQA

A recent appeals court decision provides further guidance on what qualifies as an adequate greenhouse gas (GHG) impact analysis under the California Environmental Quality...

Streamlining Review for Critical Projects Passes Senate

A California Chamber of Commerce-supported bill that expedites the environmental review process for leadership projects meeting certain criteria passed the Senate this week. SB 734...

CalChamber Supports Governor’s Plan to Expedite Housing Development

The California Chamber of Commerce supports language proposed by Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. in a budget trailer proposal that allows new market-rate housing...

CalChamber-Led Coalition Continues Push to Clarify Draft Prop. 65 Warning Rules

A coalition led by the California Chamber of Commerce continues to highlight “unclear and ambiguous” sections of draft changes to the state’s Proposition 65...

Job Creator Bill Offers Innovative Housing Solution

The newest addition to the California Chamber of Commerce job creator list provides an innovative solution to California’s housing crisis. Bringing the job creator list...

Latest Draft Prop. 65 Rules Take Steps Backwards

The latest proposed revisions to the state’s Proposition 65 warning regulations are problematic and unworkable, the California Chamber of Commerce and a broad coalition...

Job Killer No. 20 Stalls on Assembly Floor

A day after being added to the California Chamber of Commerce job killer list, a bill dealing with release clauses fell short of votes...

Senate Committee Acknowledges Problems with Environmental Law

A hearing on a California Chamber of Commerce-supported job creator bill provided a forum for senators to acknowledge problems with the state environmental law...

CalChamber-Backed Mining Reform Laws Protect In-State Supply of Critical Materials

California Chamber of Commerce-supported legislation modernizing the operation of surface mines in the state and ensuring the market for construction materials remains viable and...

Alameda Court Ruling Favors Business Community

In a favorable ruling for the California Chamber of Commerce and the broader business community, an Alameda Superior Court judge has denied an environmental...

CalChamber-Supported Affordable Housing Bill Moves

A California Chamber of Commerce-supported bill that helps create affordable housing opportunities passed an Assembly policy committee last week with unanimous bipartisan support. AB 2817 (Chiu;...

Assembly Committee Rejects Bills to Expedite Water Supply Solutions

Legislation that aimed to speed construction of a project to expand the state’s ability to store water in wet times for use in dry...

CalChamber Backs Bills to Speed Water Supply Solutions

The California Chamber of Commerce is supporting a number of bills to expedite and reduce costs for water storage facilities, drought mitigation measures and...

Online Ingredient Communication Mandate Fails in Assembly; CalChamber Opposed

A new consumer product ingredient communication mandate that would have stifled innovation and imposed unnecessary burdens on businesses failed to pass the Assembly last...

CalChamber, Coalition Continue to Voice Concerns on Draft Prop. 65 Warning Rules

Although improved since previous iterations, proposed revisions to the Proposition 65 warning regulations by the Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) continue to...

CalChamber-Led Coalitions Speak Out

The California Chamber of Commerce is leading coalitions on the following issues. More information is available at www.calchamber.com. Lead Standard A preliminary state proposal to drastically...

Road Repair Bill Gets OK; Foundation Laid for Mining Act Reform; Housing Bills Pass

With the exception of the signing of a job creator bill streamlining some infrastructure development, 2015 was quiet on most California Environmental Quality Act...