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NAFTA Negotiations Make Real Headway

The sixth round of negotiations on the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) made real headway, according to U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer. The...

Polystyrene Ban Falls Short of Votes Again

A California Chamber of Commerce-opposed job killer bill to prohibit food vendors from using polystyrene foam food service packaging failed again this week to...

Beverage Container Mandate Fails to Move

A proposal to require tethered caps for single-use plastic beverage containers failed to move out of the Assembly before this week’s January 31 deadline...

New Cyber Tools Available to CalChamber Members

California Chamber of Commerce members now have access to cyber compliance tools and insurance programs to help mitigate and minimize the devastating effects of...

Governor: State Will Persist in Leading Way for Nation

The need for perseverance was a recurring theme this week when Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. delivered his 16th and final report on the...

CalChamber Welcomes Labor and Employment Attorney to Policy Team

Laura E. Curtis has joined the California Chamber of Commerce as a policy advocate. She specializes in labor and employment, workers’ compensation, and elections/fair political practices issues.

New Law Restricts Immigration Enforcement at Worksites

As of January 1, California employers must comply with strict rules passed under the new Immigrant Worker Protection Act (AB 450), which protects workers...

Labor Code Includes Exceptions for Listing Hours Worked on Paystub

One of the criteria to be listed on the check stub is total hours worked. We have outside salespersons who do not keep time...

CalChamber Backs Constitutional Changes on Cap-and-Trade, Transportation Funds

Two proposed constitutional amendments that will appear on the June 2018 ballot are being supported by the California Chamber of Commerce in accordance with...

Opposition Stops More Holdover Job Killer Bills

Several job killer bills that remained eligible for consideration this year failed to advance in the Assembly this month. Falling short of votes needed to...