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CalChamber Recognizes Business Leaders from Chico, Torrance

The California Chamber of Commerce honored business executives from Chico and Torrance last week with its 2018 Small Business Advocate of the Year Award...

28 Local Chambers Receive 2018 President’s Circle Award

The California Chamber of Commerce has named 28 local chambers of commerce to receive the 2018 President’s Circle Award. The award, first presented in 2009,...

CalChamber Opposes Plan to Impose Tax on Services

A recently identified job killer bill that would impose a 3% tax on services purchased by businesses in California was discussed this week as...

CalChamber Secures Amendments to Remove Job Killer Tag

A California Chamber of Commerce-opposed job killer has been amended to remove the job killer tag. Before AB 1761 (Muratsuchi; D-Torrance) was amended on May...

Capitol Insider Blog Posts Examine Styrofoam, Corporate Board Quotas

Two recent posts, reprinted below, examine the politics behind styrofoam container legislation and a proposal to set a quota of women members for the...

Use Compensation for On-Call Duty When Figuring Regular Rate of Pay

When employees are on call, we pay wages for time spent on a call, plus $100 just for being on call. Is this $100...

Governor’s Revised Budget Plan Saves Money for Rainy Day; No New Taxes

Last week, Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. released a revised version of his state budget proposal for 2018–19. The Governor’s final budget continues to...