
Outdoor Workers Subject to New Heat Illness Prevention Rule on May 1

I have outdoor workers. How are recent heat illness prevention regulation revisions going to affect the way I do business? On September 25, 2014, the...

Temporary Driver License Acceptable List B Document for Form I-9

Can an employer accept a temporary driver license as a document for Form I-9 purposes? Yes, according to the U.S. Citizen and Immigration Services (USCIS)...

Payment Rules for Unused Paid Time Off Differ for Vacation, Sick Leave

Does an employer have to pay employees for unused paid time off? It depends upon what kind of paid time off it is. Employers may...

Terminating Employee Who Has Given Two Weeks’ Notice

My employee gave two weeks’ notice that she is quitting, but I want to end her employment today. Will that turn her quit into...

Employers May Be Liable for Negligent Referrals on Ex-Employees

I got a reference request on an employee who we terminated a month ago. The employee left on bad terms and this potential employer...

Time Off to Care for Healthy Child Not Covered Under Family Leave Act

My company has more than 50 employees, and one of the employees, who is Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA)/California Family Rights Act (CFRA) eligible,...

Personal Protective Equipment Standards Get California Update

Have there been any recent revisions to the General Industry Safety Orders, Article 10, Personal Protective Equipment? The Occupational Safety and Health Standards Board, in...

Correcting Underpayment in Paychecks ASAP May Limit Penalties

Due to an error with our payroll system, one of our employees was accidentally underpaid on the last payday. How can we correct this?...

Alternative Workweek Hours May Start 30 Days After Announcement

Is the 30-day delay from the date of an alternative workweek vote to the institution of the schedule mandatory? Yes, as far as an employer...

Employers May Incur Sizable Penalties for Incorrect Payday Practices

Our pay periods run from the 11th to the 25th, with the payday being on the 5th of the next month; and from the...