
Factors to Consider When Calculating ‘Regular Rate’ of Pay

How does the regular rate work? Once I calculate the regular rate, does it change the employee’s hourly rate? Do I have to calculate...

Leave of Absence Options Available for New Dad in California

Our employee’s wife just had a baby and he is asking us if he can take time off work and how much he will...

Advance Scheduling, Meeting Duration Affect Reporting Time Pay

The employees of my store regularly work Monday through Friday. Every third Saturday of the month, I hold a staff meeting for all of...

Requests for Personnel Files, Payroll Records—Required Timing Differs

A former employee has asked for a copy of her personnel file and payroll records. Do I have to provide these to her? And...

Get Permission in Writing Before Posting Employee’s Photo Online

Can I choose to post photos of my employees on my company’s website and social media page? Do I need each employee’s consent first?...

Federal OSHA, Cal/OSHA Add Another Layer of Paperwork

Now that I have to file Form 300A electronically, what do I do with the hard copy? The recent requirement to submit Form 300A data...

Warnings to Employee with Bad Attitude Should Focus on Specifics

We would like to terminate an employee who has a bad attitude that rubs off on other employees. However, we haven’t given him any...

In California, All Time Worked Must Be Paid, Even If It’s Only Minutes

Our nonexempt employees answer texts and calls after-hours. Is this work time and how much time would we pay for a 5-minute call, for...

Potential Family Leave Act Factors in Time Off for Grandchild’s Birth

My employee wants to take federal Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) leave when her daughter has a baby. Can I deny her request? Typically,...

How to Allow Employees to Take Vacation Before Accruing the Time

I want my employees to have 10 days of vacation each year, but I don’t want them to have to wait to use it...