The California Chamber of Commerce is the largest, broad-based business advocate to government in California, working at the state and federal levels to influence government actions affecting all California business. As a not-for-profit, we leverage our front-line knowledge of laws and regulations to provide affordable and easy-to-use compliance products and services.

Nursery, Landscaping Company Owner Fights for Business

For more than 10 years, Scott Miller has worked with the Fresno Chamber of Commerce to give the small business perspective on local and...

Cyber Security Education in Sacramento

Consumers and businesses can learn about adding layers of security to everyday online activities at a January 29 event in Sacramento co-sponsored by the...

California Ranks as No. 2 ‘Judicial Hellhole’

California was identified as the No. 2 “Judicial Hellhole” in the nation, after two years of taking the No. 1 spot, in the latest...

Longest-Serving CalChamber Board Member Retires

Joe Russ IV, the longest-serving member of the California Chamber Board of Directors, retires from his volunteer position this month, 45 years after joining...

CalChamber Offering HR Boot Camp Seminars

The California Chamber of Commerce is helping employers build their HR muscle at several topic-packed training sessions around the state that focus on the...

Assembly Names Committee Leaders

Assembly Speaker Toni G. Atkins (D-San Diego) announced her selection of committee chairs for the 2015–16 Regular Session. She also named Democrats to serve on...

Help Available to Determine Facilities’ Accessibility Compliance

Making sure that a business is accessible to all members of the public, including those with disabilities, can be challenging in California. One way to...

CalChamber Releases List of New Employment Laws

The California Chamber of Commerce has released a list of new employment laws scheduled to take effect in 2015 or earlier that will have...

Local Chamber Communications Expert Joins CalChamber Team

Russell Lahodny, a senior chamber communications executive, has joined the California Chamber of Commerce as vice president of local chamber relations. Before joining the CalChamber...

Lawmakers, Experts, Journalists Discuss Election Results, State Policies, Political Strategies

Incoming freshman Assembly members share the challenges they faced in their respective districts. Sophomore Assembly members give their perspectives on the hot button issues of...

CalChamber Calendar

Business Services Committee: December 4, San Francisco Education Committee: December 4, San Francisco CalChamber Fundraising Committee: December 4, San Francisco Water Committee: December 4, San Francisco Board of Directors: December 4–5, San Francisco International...

Governor Set to Begin Historic Fourth Term

Governor Edmund G Brown Jr., accompanied by First Lady Anne Gust Brown, smiles as he talks to reporters outside the old Governor’s Mansion after...

Voters, CalChamber Agree: Support Water Supply/Storage, Rainy Day Fund

California voters this week overwhelmingly passed California Chamber of Commerce-supported Proposition 1, the water bond, and Proposition 2, the rainy day reserve measure. CalChamber President...

Voters Reject Props. 45, 46; OK Prop. 47

California voters agreed with the California Chamber of Commerce in rejecting Propositions 45 and 46, but passed CalChamber-opposed Proposition 47. Proposition 45 would have given...