The California Chamber of Commerce and a broad-based coalition of employer organizations are strongly supporting Governor Gavin Newsom’s budget proposal to help reduce the...
With the legislative frenzy complete for the year, Sacramento’s policymakers are turning their eyes toward next year’s budget and their next round of legislative...
Like the rest of California society, employers are cautiously hopeful the worst of the pandemic has passed. The wreckage of human life, family health,...
This pandemic created unprecedented unemployment, which was not only devastating to thousands of Californians and their families, but also drained the state’s unemployment insurance...
As the 2021 crop of legislation is coming into form and moving through legislative committees addressing a range of topics, one topic is conspicuously...
Whenever something goes wrong—whenever something is lost or damaged—the question is always the same: who gets stuck holding the bag? And we all know...
As California businesses continue to struggle to maintain their workforces during COVID-related closing and reopenings, employers should keep in mind California’s underutilized work share...