Strong opposition from the California Chamber of Commerce helped to stop numerous harmful bills from continuing past the appropriations committees on Friday to reach...
Productively addressing California’s housing crisis will require a long slog, not a magic bullet. The effective policies are politically treacherous, while the easy victories...
Legislation supported by the California Chamber of Commerce to promote housing construction won approval from a Senate policy committee this week.
AB 678 (Bocanegra; D-Pacoima)...
The California Chamber of Commerce this week identified two more job killer bills—one opening new avenues for shakedown lawsuits related to environmental laws, and...
It’s a timeworn California cliché: an earthquake splits the state from the rest of the country—freeing us from the hidebound thinking of Old America.
For the California employer community, the 2016 legislative year will have a variety of impacts, depending on the industry and size of business.
Small businesses...
A fourth California Chamber of Commerce-supported job creator bill reached the Governor’s desk a day before the end of the session.
SB 1069 (Wieckowski; D-Fremont)...