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Appeals Court Sides with CalChamber in Prop. 65 Ruling on Acrylamide in Food

Last week, California businesses won another victory in the continuing debate over whether the Proposition 65 warning requirement applies to acrylamide in food and...

California Film & TV Tax Credit Program Generates $21.9B in Economic Output, 110,000 Jobs Over Five Years

California’s Film and Television Tax Credit Program contributed almost $21.9 billion in economic output over five years and supported more than 110,000 total jobs...

CalChamber Opposes Tax on Plastic/Goods Packaging

The California Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors last week voted to oppose the California Plastic Waste Reduction Regulations Initiative, which proposes a new...

New Bill Proposes Workplace Vaccine Law

In Episode 145 of The Workplace podcast, CalChamber employment law expert Matthew Roberts and CalChamber policy advocate Ashley Hoffman discuss AB 1993 (Wicks; D-Oakland),...

Absence Due to Workers’ Comp Injury May Qualify for Family Leave

I have an employee who was injured at work, and his doctor put him on leave for the next three months. The employee filed...

Economic Recovery, Job Growth Faster than Previous Recessions; Inflation Robust

This Time Is Different When conducting monetary policy, the Federal Reserve has two goals: keep inflation low and stable, and ensure maximum employment. For most of...

Innovation Drives Ireland-California Collaborations in Many Fields

Ireland’s relationship with the United States and especially California is driven by innovation, Consul General Marcella Smyth told a California Chamber of Commerce audience...

Canadian Consul General visits CalChamber

Post-pandemic return-to-work policies, energy resources, climate change and trade issues were among the topics of discussion when a team from the Canadian Consulate General...