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EEOC Proposes Collecting Pay Data from W-2s

In a significant departure from existing requirements, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) recently announced that it is seeking to require large employers to...

Paid Sick Leave Law Questions Continue to Trouble Employers Wanting to Comply

Every January, California Chamber of Commerce employment law experts travel up and down the state educating California employers about new employment laws affecting the...

Pregnancy Disability Leave: Returning Employee Has Right to Same Job

Do I have to give an employee her job back after her return from maternity leave? California law requires employers of five or more to...

Online Ingredient Communication Mandate Fails in Assembly; CalChamber Opposed

A new consumer product ingredient communication mandate that would have stifled innovation and imposed unnecessary burdens on businesses failed to pass the Assembly last...

State Extends Water Restrictions

The State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) decided on February 2 to extend California’s May 2015 Emergency Regulation restrictions on urban water use through...

State of the State Address Governor Keeps Focus on Budget Discipline

Paying for existing state commitments and continuing to add to state budget reserves were the twin highlights of the Governor’s State of the State...

Revised Double-Pay Holiday Bill Passes Assembly

A California Chamber of Commerce-opposed bill that requires double the “regular rate” of pay for work on Thanksgiving passed the Assembly this week. A previous...

California Must Address Our Uneven Recovery

Governor Jerry Brown has proposed a state budget brimming with new revenues, but carefully socking part of the surplus away for a future economic...

Where to Put Posters When Employees Work in Clients’ Homes

We have a home health business and our employees travel directly from their home to the client’s home. We are unable to post the...

CalChamber Files Brief on Meal Breaks During 12-Hour Shifts

The California Chamber of Commerce has added its arguments in a case that may help clarify meal and rest period requirements for health care...