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Coalition Seeks Feedback on Generalized System of Preferences Renewal

July 29 marked the one-year anniversary of the Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) program going back into effect. The California Chamber of Commerce was...

Double-Pay Holiday Bill Awaits Action by Senate

A California Chamber of Commerce-opposed bill that unfairly targets two classifications of employers, increases their costs, and creates a competitive disadvantage by forcing them...

Mandated Changes to Federal Employment Postings for August 1

With little notice, the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) recently announced two mandatory poster changes. Beginning August 1, employers must post updated versions of the...

Senate to Consider Expanding Authority for Labor Commissioner Investigations

Legislation expanding the authority of the Division of Labor Standards Enforcement to investigate and cite an employer for alleged retaliation, even without an employee...

State Urges Continued Water Savings as Statewide Rate Drops

While one state water entity voiced concern this week about a decline in the statewide water savings rate, a second kicked off a campaign...

GPS Tracking of Employees Raises Privacy, Penal Code Questions

Am I legally permitted to track the location of my employees using a GPS device on a cellphone or vehicle? Monitoring employees through a GPS...

Assembly to Consider Proposal Interfering with Contract Enforcement

A California Chamber of Commerce-opposed bill that interferes with the enforcement of contracts is awaiting action by the Assembly. SB 1241 (Wieckowski; D-Fremont) undermines judicial...

Burdensome Reporting for Beverage Makers Moves

The Senate fiscal committee this week passed a California Chamber of Commerce-opposed bill imposing new and unnecessary costs and burdens on beverage manufacturers without...

Foreign Direct Investment Report Finds U.S., California Largest Recipients

The United States is the world’s largest recipient of foreign direct investment (FDI), according to a recent report released by the U.S. Department of...

15 CalChamber Member Companies Land on Orange County Top Workplaces List

Fifteen California Chamber of Commerce member companies were featured in the Orange County Business Journal “Best Places to Work in Orange County” rankings this...