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Dress Codes Must Be Applied in Nondiscriminatory Manner

Can I have a separate dress code for men and women? For years our company has had a separate dress code for men and...

Multiple Protected Leaves in California Impose Significant Cumulative Burden

California has numerous labor and employment regulations that far exceed those mandated at the federal level. A clear example of this is California’s multiple...

San Diego Makes Changes to City Paid Sick Leave Requirement

The City of San Diego has finalized an implementing ordinance for the voter-approved paid sick leave and minimum wage ordinance that went into effect...

Senate to Consider Unnecessary Mandate

The Senate will consider a California Chamber of Commerce-opposed bill that imposes new unnecessary and burdensome duties on employers related to the employer’s written...

Streamlining Review for Critical Projects Passes Senate

A California Chamber of Commerce-supported bill that expedites the environmental review process for leadership projects meeting certain criteria passed the Senate this week. SB 734...

CalChamber Offers Employers Guidelines for Political Communications to Employees

A brochure available online from the California Chamber of Commerce offers employers a concise overview of the do’s and don’ts of communicating with employees...

State Expands Protections for Assistive/Support Animals in Workplace

My employee asked to bring his rat with him to work. He says the rat is a “support animal” that helps him deal with...

Employers Must Begin Electronic Filing of UI Taxes, Payroll Tax on January 1

Beginning January 1, 2017, employers with 10 or more employees will be required to electronically submit employment tax returns, wage reports, and payroll tax...

NLRB Expands Ability of Temp Workers to Organize

The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) has overturned long-established precedent to hold that temporary workers supplied by a staffing agency may be put in...

Employers Can Help Encourage Employees to Register Now, Vote in Fall

In the days leading up to the June primary, a surge in voter registration led to 72.29% of eligible California citizens being registered to...