Can I drug test my employee who is acting strangely and not answering questions correctly? His behavior is very suspicious.
Every California employer can require...
The Legislature has sent to the Governor a California Chamber of Commerce-opposed bill that unnecessarily duplicates current requirements by directing Cal/OSHA to adopt a...
Strong concerns expressed by the California Chamber of Commerce and a coalition of local chambers of commerce and other employer groups resulted in amendments...
General Dynamics NASSCO and Matson Navigation Company, Inc., both members of the California Chamber of Commerce, announced in late August they had signed a...
September is National Preparedness Month, with the theme “Don’t Wait, Communicate. Make Your Emergency Plan Today.”
By its nature, an emergency is an unforeseen crisis,...
The California Chamber of Commerce is urging small business owners to contact their legislators and the Governor to express strong opposition to SB 654...
The California Legislature moved swiftly this week to adopt legislation expanding climate change emission goals.
SB 32 (Pavley; D-Agoura Hills) mandates a reduction in greenhouse...
California Chamber of Commerce-supported job creator bills helping entrepreneurs and small business passed the Legislature this week and are headed to Governor Edmund G....
The California Supreme Court this week declined to review a decision by the Second District Court of Appeals overturning a landmark lower court ruling...