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More Timekeeping Guidance from Court on Standards for Rounding Entries

An appellate court decision that further clarifies the ability of California employers to round employee timecard entries has been published at the request of...

CalChamber Reiterates Trade Priorities for New Administration, Congress

As the new administration and 115th Congress get to work, the California Chamber of Commerce will be communicating its international trade priorities and support...

Governor’s Prudent Budget Adds to Rainy Day Fund

Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr, this week proposed a prudent and balanced state budget for 2017–18 that eliminates a projected $2 billion deficit and...

CalChamber Names Senior Policy Advocate

Jennifer Barrera, policy advocate at the California Chamber of Commerce since 2010, has been promoted to senior policy advocate. In her new role she will...

CalChamber Identifies Four Job Killer Bills

The California Chamber of Commerce has identified four job killer bills that would have a negative impact on California’s economy if they become law....

2016 Advocacy Return on Investment

Please click here or the image below for the PDF version.

Make Sure Grooming Standards Consider Job Needs, Protected Practice

Our receptionist came in after the holiday weekend with “crazy hair.” She dyed it bright pink—it isn’t remotely a natural color. Can we ask...

On-Call Rest Periods Not Allowed, California Supreme Court Rules

In a disappointing decision for California businesses, the California Supreme Court ruled recently that on-call rest periods are not permissible. This decision will require...

Workers’ Comp Case Attacks Basic Premise of System, Opens Door to Broader Liability

The California Chamber of Commerce recently filed a friend-of-the-court brief in a California Supreme Court case that will determine whether doctors who review workers’...

Analysis Finds California Factors Dampen Upward Mobility for Poor

Children born to low-income parents in California have slightly higher lifetime earnings than children born to low-income parents in other states—but not because they...