For 2018, the Social Security Administration announced that the Social Security taxable wage base will rise by $1,500—from $127,200 to $128,700 maximum taxable earnings.
The 2017 legislative year was a busy one for the California Chamber of Commerce and other employer advocates.
Nevertheless, CalChamber policy advocates, together with members,...
Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. has vetoed a bill that would have allowed organizations unaffiliated with the employer to access an undefined and potentially...
The following list summarizes the final status of California Chamber of Commerce priority bills that were sent to the Governor this year.
The CalChamber will...
Our employees elected an alternative workweek schedule of 4/10 hour days. There are two schedules with different beginning and ending times. One group works...
The fourth round of talks to renegotiate and modernize the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) concluded in Arlington, Virginia on Tuesday, October 17.
In light of various emergencies and disasters throughout the state, the California Chamber of Commerce is educating employers about a few things they should...