Properly classifying an individual as an employee versus an independent contractor has always been a daunting task for any business/employer, especially in California. A...
Election Day will come early for voters in three Los Angeles County-based Assembly districts due to year-end resignations.
• Assembly District (AD) 39, formerly represented...
How does the New Parent Leave Act interact with the federal Family Medical Leave Act/California Family Rights Act?
Beginning January 1, 2018, California’s New Parent...
California Attorney General Xavier Becerra and Labor Commissioner Julie Su this week issued two documents for California employers dealing with California’s Immigrant Worker Protection...
This week, the U.S. House of Representatives approved bipartisan legislation providing a three-year retroactive renewal of the Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) program.
The 400-2...
The challenges of managing leaves of absence and resolving related human resources issues are the focus of the popular California Chamber of Commerce seminar...
In the debate on health care, the two words most confused or misunderstood are “universal” and “single-payer.” They often are used interchangeably, and even...
The California Chamber of Commerce 2018 Business Issues and Legislative Guide is available now on the CalChamber website at
This easy-to-reference publication compiles a...