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Personal Care Product Ban Amended

A California Chamber of Commerce-opposed bill that would have banned California sales of many personal care products has been amended to reduce its...

Limit on Use of Settlement/Arbitration Agreements Passes

A California Chamber of Commerce-opposed job killer bill to limit the use of settlement agreements and arbitration agreements for labor and employment claims passed...

Opposition Stops Harmful Proposals in Closing Days of Legislative Session

A number of California Chamber of Commerce-opposed bills missed the August 17 deadline to move beyond the fiscal committees of either the Assembly or...

Watch CalChamber Online News Sources for End-of-Session Legislative Updates

Just one week remains before the Legislature adjourns for its final recess on August 31. The fate of many priority bills for business awaited action...

CalChamber 2018 HR Symposium Presents One Informative Day by San Francisco Bay

Kevin Kish, director of the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH) will be the luncheon keynote speaker at the California Chamber of...

Surrogate Pregnancy: Same Protections, Leave Rights Generally Apply

One of my employees is a gestational surrogate. What leave laws would apply to her? A gestational surrogate is someone who carries a pregnancy and...

CalChamber Welcomes New Consul General of China in San Francisco

Joining the new Consul General of China in San Francisco, Ambassador Wang Donghua, were CalChamber President and CEO Allan Zaremberg in welcoming the new Consul General were Susanne T. Stirling, CalChamber vice president of international affairs ...

Public Affairs Conference Registration Opens

The dust will have settled on California’s 2018 mid-term elections when attendees gather for the California Chamber of Commerce Public Affairs Conference on November...

IRS Encouraging ‘Paycheck Checkup’ to Prevent Tax-Time Surprise

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is encouraging everyone to check their withholding to avoid an unexpected tax bill or penalty at tax time. The new...

Visit with Tatarstan Representatives Promotes Trade and Investment

On Wednesday, August 15, the California Chamber of Commerce met with representatives from the Tatarstan Investment Development Agency of the Republic of Tatarstan in...