Many Health Care Providers Can Give Medical Certification of Disability
One of my employees asked to have his work station modified to accommodate a disability of which we were not aware. When we asked him…
State Water Board Targets Outdoor Uses with Emergency Rule Ordering 25% Cut
The State Water Resources Control Board this week adopted an emergency regulation requiring a 25% reduction of potable water use in urban areas statewide. Water…
Governor Revises Plan to Fix State’s Aging Water Infrastructure
The California Chamber of Commerce and a broad-based coalition are supporting the revised plan announced by the Governor to fix California’s aging water infrastructure and…
Opposition Stops, Delays ‘Job Killer’ Bills
Strong opposition from the California Chamber of Commerce and other business groups means several “job killer” bills won’t be advancing this year. Short of Votes…
‘Job Killer’ Bills Limit In-State Energy Efforts
Two California Chamber of Commerce-opposed “job killer” bills that limit in-state energy development passed the Assembly Natural Resources Committee this week. • AB 356 (Williams;…
Proposal to Expedite Housing Projects Fails to Pass
A California Chamber of Commerce-supported job creator bill that sought to expedite and reduce costs for housing projects failed to pass an Assembly policy committee…
Scheduling Mandate on Employers Passes Assembly Labor/Employment Committee
The Assembly Labor and Employment Committee has passed a “job killer” bill imposing a one-size-fits-all scheduling mandate on general retail employers. AB 357 (Chiu; D-San…
Cuba Policy Trip Gives CalChamber, Others Inside Look in Preparation for Future
A mid-April policy trip to Cuba gave representatives of the California Chamber of Commerce and other interested travelers a look at conditions in the island…
Visible Tattoos, Other Dress Code Issues Arise in Warmer Weather
We have a strict no visible tattoos policy as we work with a very conservative population. We hired a new employee recently, and when he…
Senate Committee Votes to Increase Environmental Regulatory Burden
Three California Chamber of Commerce-opposed “job killer” bills that increase the burden of environmental regulations passed a Senate policy committee this week, including a newly…