Californians Keep Cumulative Water Savings Above 25% Mandate
Californians have reduced water use by 27.1% since emergency conservation rules took effect in June, according to state officials. Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. mandated…
CalChamber Attends Annual National Export Council Forum
Susanne T. Stirling, California Chamber of Commerce vice president of international affairs, joined colleagues from across the country at the recent meeting of the National…
CalChamber-Endorsed Plan to Close Workforce Gap Gets Unanimous Approval
The Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges this week unanimously approved recommendations of a special task force on how to strengthen workforce education…
Court Accepts CalChamber Brief Supporting Vergara Education Case
A friend-of-the-court brief filed by the California Chamber of Commerce and other business organizations supporting the landmark decision in Vergara v. California has been accepted…
CalChamber-Led Coalitions Speak Out
The California Chamber of Commerce is leading coalitions on the following issues. More information is available at Lead Standard A preliminary state proposal to…
CalChamber Action on Legislation Keeps Balance Between Privacy, Innovation
Earlier this month, the California Chamber of Commerce hosted a timely panel discussion on data security policy at both the federal and state levels. The…
CalChamber Wins Veto of Overly Broad Bill, Leads Opposition to Misguided Regulations
A quiet legislative year on workplace safety issues still ended in a victory for the California Chamber of Commerce, which also kept busy leading employer…
Employers Should Investigate Hostile Work Environment Claims
My employee came to me complaining of a “hostile work environment,” which appears to be a verbal situation, not one of sexual harassment. Am I…
Attendees Gain Info on Polls, 2016 Elections, Legislative Battles, Data Security, Reforms
Political insights galore were one takeaway from the California Chamber of Commerce Fall Public Affairs Conference on November 3–4. Insiders from both major parties, journalists,…
CalChamber, Coalition Blast Deceptive Ballot Measure
The California Chamber of Commerce is leading a coalition to stop a November 2016 ballot measure that threatens to significantly disrupt infrastructure development, jobs and…