
Medical Certification for Family Leave: Stay in Touch with Employee

Our employee went on family leave on March 1 (for which she was qualified). Our outside leave administration company disallowed the claim due to...

Good Process Key to Choosing Reasonable Accommodation for Disability

One of our employees with a disability requires a reasonable accommodation. May we choose the reasonable accommodation that we provide? Perhaps. Determining what accommodations, if...

Many Steps to Consider When Hiring Out-of-State Remote Worker

I run a business in California and would like to hire someone from a different state to work remotely. What, if any, additional steps...

New Fast Food Minimum Wage Also Affects Exempt Employee Salary

We are a fast food restaurant covered by the new minimum wage law for fast food restaurant employees. Does this new law also affect...

How to Count Months with Company for State Family Rights Act Leave

I have a former seasonal employee who became a regular employee about 9 months ago and is asking for a leave of absence to...

CFRA/FMLA Leave for Elective Surgeries

My employee is requesting CFRA/FMLA leave to have elective surgery. He is potentially eligible for leave because he has worked full-time for us for...

Doctor’s Note Not Always Automatic Excuse for Absences

My employee has used up all her protected sick leave, but still calls out sick regularly and always returns with a doctor’s note. Can...

Emergency Temp Rule Aims to Protect Workers Handling Artificial Stone

What is Cal/OSHA doing for workers who deal with manufactured artificial stone? On December 14, 2023, the Occupational Safety and Health Standards Board adopted an...

Request for Religious Accommodation: Interactive Process Key

My employee is asking for a month off due to her religion, which requires that she not work after dark for about a month....

How State Cannabis Laws Affect Testing, Questions About Use

I’ve heard California law protects employees who use cannabis. Is it true that we can no longer test for, or discipline, an employee who...