
Part-Time Employees May Qualify as Exempt; 2-Part Test to Decide

Can I classify an employee who works only part-time as exempt? An employee’s exempt classification must be evaluated by the employee’s rate of pay and...

Cal/OSHA Proposes Rule on Employee Exposure to Wildfire Smoke

I am an employer that has been affected directly by the wildfires in California. What is Cal/OSHA doing to address the issue of employee...

Laws Bar Employers from Denying Lactation Accommodation Requests

My employee is returning from pregnancy leave and has asked to have time off and a suitable place to express milk at work. We...

Retiree Who Returns for Specific Projects: Independent Contractor or Not?

One of my long-term employees recently retired, and would like to do some occasional work for us in her spare time. Can we hire...

When Dealing with Older Worker, Focus on Job Performance Concerns

Our employee is over 65 years old and he seems shaky physically; it is taking him longer and longer to get his job duties...

Let Workers’ Compensation Insurer Check on Claim Validity

One of my employees came to me today and said his back was sore and that he hurt it while moving some equipment, so...

California Law Prohibits Questions About Gender on Job Applications

Our job application asks applicants to state their gender. Is that allowed under California law? California law prohibits employers from asking, either directly or indirectly,...

Leave, Benefits May Be Available for Employees in Addiction Recovery

Do we need to give an employee protected time off to enter a residential facility for substance abuse recovery? Will she be eligible for...

Revised Rules Affect Steel/Concrete, Electrical Work and More

Can you provide a summary of occupational safety rules that went into effect over the last year that haven’t yet been included in a...

Caring for Adult Child with Drug Addiction May Qualify for FMLA

My employee asked to take time off under the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) to care for her drug addicted son, who is well...