
When to Record, Report COVID-19 Occurrence in Workplace

What are the California Department of Occupational Safety and Health (Cal/OSHA) requirements for reporting occurrences of COVID-19 in the workplace? Cal/OSHA has provided guidelines in...

Calculating Leave Eligibility When Company Closed Temporarily

Our company shut down in March due to the coronavirus, and then reopened the first of June. Now one of my employees is asking...

More Localities Adopting COVID-19 Emergency Paid Sick Leave

What are the latest cities/counties that have enacted sick leave ordinances for COVID-19 purposes? In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, and since the federal Families...

COVID-19 and a New Hire’s Expired Identity Document

We just hired an employee who does not have a current identity document. Her driver license expired on April 1, and she says that...

Why Temperature Checks, Doctor’s Note May Be OK for COVID-19

With the current coronavirus pandemic, I have been wondering what I can do to protect my employees in the workplace. May we take the...

Vacation Policy Factors to Consider During COVID-19 Pandemic

A consequence of the prolonged shelter-in-place and stay-at-home orders issued as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic is dramatically reduced travel. As a result,...

Paid Family Leave Claims Filed July 1 Gain 2 More Weeks of Benefits

My employee had a baby a few months ago, but she wants to wait until July to file for Paid Family Leave (PFL) so...

New Law Requires Awareness Training on Valley Fever Symptoms

I understand the Labor Code has been revised to address an increase in the number of reported cases of Valley Fever since 2016. As...

Factors to Keep in Mind When Rehiring Furloughed Employees

We are gearing up to restart our business soon. We furloughed several employees. Are there any concerns about rehiring? When we furloughed these people,...

Remote Workers May Be Subject to Local Wage, Sick Leave Ordinances

If our work site is located in an area where only the California minimum wage rate applies, but due to COVID-19, some of our...