
Classifying Long-Term Worker as ‘Temporary’ May Cause Problems

I hired a temporary worker a few months ago. I saw that under work classifications, a temp’s time can be extended for one additional...

How to Handle Paystub Listing for COVID Supplemental Paid Sick Leave

I read that the California COVID Supplemental Paid Sick Leave expired on September 30, but I haven’t seen anything about the requirement to list...

Answers to Common Questions about Completing Form I-9

As employers are again hiring, a number of questions have arisen concerning the Form I-9 (Employment Eligibility Verification Form). The following questions and answers...

When Employee Chooses to Work from Home, Who Pays the Costs?

As a result of COVID-19, many of my employees have been reluctant to come into the office to do their jobs. In an effort...

Applicant’s Workers’ Comp Claim History Can’t Be Used for Screening

We work in an industry that is at a higher risk for workplace injury. In an effort to keep our workers’ compensation costs lower,...

Who Pays Cost of Employee COVID Testing or Vaccination?

If I require an employee to go get a COVID test, or to be vaccinated, who pays the costs of testing or vaccination? Do...

Wildfire Safety Training, Other Topics at Cal/OSHA Training Academy

As an employer located where there is potential for extensive wildland fires, where can I find information about complying with the wildfire smoke safety...

Interactive Process Key to Accommodating Employee with Disability

We have a new hire who, after being hired, disclosed a physical disability. She indicated that we need to accommodate her, and I have...

Clearing Confusion About Current COVID-19 Workplace Safety Rules

Each day I see new reports on what the requirements are for wearing masks at work. How do I figure out what my company...

What to Do When Employee’s I-9 Work Authorization Document Expired

Can an employee work beyond the expiration date of a work authorization document? The answer to the question depends on whether the right to work...