
Labor Contractor Employee Pay Data Report Deferral Available

This year, large employers must submit their California pay data reports by May 10, 2023 — a deadline that is quickly approaching. However, the...

Employers Must Explore Reasonable Accommodations for Religion

Religion is one of just two protected classes under California’s Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA) — disability is the other — that requires...

Recycling Compliance for 1-Use Packaging Makers, Distributors, Sellers

An upcoming CalChamber webinar will explain all the recycling compliance mandates following the passage of last year’s circular economy law. Anyone who manufactures, distributes or...

State Health Department, Cal/OSHA Update COVID-19 Order, Guidance

On March 3, 2023, the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) updated its COVID-19 public health order and guidance following the end of the...

CalChamber Webinar to Cover California Privacy Rights Act Compliance

A compliance webinar on the California Privacy Rights Act (CPRA) will be presented by the CalChamber on Wednesday, March 15, 10 a.m.–11 a.m. (Pacific). Webinar...

CalChamber Webinar to Explain Complex California Recycling Laws

The CalChamber will be hosting a webinar explaining all the recycling compliance mandates following the passage of last year’s circular economy law, SB 54...

CalChamber Presents Guide to 2023 Employment Laws

The California Chamber of Commerce has published a white paper and scheduled seminars to help employers prepare for new employment laws. The newly enacted laws...

New California Law Expands Pay Scale Disclosure, Pay Data Reporting

Legislation signed by Governor Gavin Newsom last week requires employers to make pay scales available to job applicants and employees and expands California’s pay...

State Change in COVID-19 Definition of ‘Close Contact’ Leaves Questions for California Employers

One of the most well-known elements of COVID-19 workplace safety was changed last month — to relatively little fanfare — and it has left...

CalSavers Small Business Registration Deadline: June 30

Small businesses with five or more employees that don’t offer a qualified retirement plan have less than a week to register with CalSavers, a...