
Advocacy Return on Investment

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OneWest Bank President to Chair CalChamber Board

Joseph M. Otting, president and chief executive officer of OneWest Bank, N.A., has been elected as 2015 chair of the California Chamber of Commerce...

Longest-Serving CalChamber Board Member Retires

Joe Russ IV, the longest-serving member of the California Chamber Board of Directors, retires from his volunteer position this month, 45 years after joining...

Local Chamber Communications Expert Joins CalChamber Team

Russell Lahodny, a senior chamber communications executive, has joined the California Chamber of Commerce as vice president of local chamber relations. Before joining the CalChamber...

Lead Co-Counsel Recaps Teacher Tenure Case for CalChamber Board

The landmark court decision striking down state teacher tenure laws was not anti-union or anti-teacher, but “pro student,” the attorney who led the legal...