Loren Kaye was appointed president of the California Foundation for Commerce and Education in January 2006 and retired at the end of December 2024. He has devoted his career to developing, analyzing and implementing public policy issues in California, with a special emphasis on improving the state's business and economic climate. He also was a gubernatorial appointee to the state's Little Hoover Commission, charged with evaluating the efficiency and effectiveness of state agencies and programs. Kaye served in senior policy positions for Governors Pete Wilson and George Deukmejian, including Cabinet Secretary to the Governor and Undersecretary of the California Trade and Commerce Agency. Kaye is a graduate of the University of California, San Diego, with a degree in political science.

CalChamber Survey: California Voters Cite Roads, Jobs, Housing as Top Concerns

The Second Annual CalChamber Survey, released last week, indicates that the state’s voters believe there are some homegrown issues that deserve the attention of...

More Transparency in Politics, Policy

“Transparency” may be more than just a buzzword come 2017. Proposition 54, teed up for the November ballot, would mandate the Legislature enforce a three-day...

State Has Slow-Motion Housing Emergency

The state is under-building by tens of thousands the new houses and apartments each year that are needed to meet demand. As a result,...

California Grows Educational Approach Linking Student Goals to Workforce Needs

Simon Tran is on the fast track. A junior at the Kearny High School of Digital Media and Design in San Diego, Simon makes the...

CalChamber, Linked Learning Alliance Form Network to Help Youth Find Jobs

The California Chamber of Commerce and the Linked Learning Alliance have launched a California network of employer associations committed to advancing youth opportunities and...

Remembering Kirk West

Kirk West, longtime California business leader and confidante to governors, passed away on June 2 after battling cancer. He was 79. For two decades Kirk...

Call for Interviewees: Research Project on CEQA Litigation and Public Engagement

A team of University of Southern California graduate students is analyzing the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) to better understand whether CEQA litigation amounts...

CalChamber: Infrastructure Initiative Has Broad Negative Impacts

Less investment in much-needed infrastructure, increased costs and more litigation are just some of the negative ramifications of the “No Blank Checks Initiative” on...

Use Market Pricing to Cut CO2 Emissions

Nobody should be surprised that California’s cap-and-trade program is the most cost-effective strategy to reduce carbon emissions. What’s astonishing is that policymakers insist on...

You Can Help Reform How California Pays for Roads, Highways

California’s transportation finance system is running out of gas. Not literally, but the buck or two for each gas station fill-up is getting much...

CalChamber Joins U.S. Effort to Expand Work Experience Opportunities for Youth

The California Chamber of Commerce and the Linked Learning Alliance are partnering with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation (USCCF) to expand opportunities for...

Task Force Recommends Pilot Program to Test Components of Highway User Fee

One of the few recent initiatives to improve California’s economic base was left undone when the Legislature recessed this fall without addressing transportation finance. Governor...

Air Board Asks Courts to Create New Tax

In a landmark case before the Third District Court of Appeal, the California Air Resources Board (ARB) recently argued for creation of an unprecedented...

Is Road Maintenance Fee in California Drivers’ Future?

Seeking a creative and long-term solution for financing highway and road construction and upkeep, a new commission has kicked off its investigation of a...

Next Steps for Climate Change Law in State

When Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. spoke to the United Nations Climate Summit last month, he made a strong pitch for state and local...

Environmental Law Reform: Best Prospect Appears at California Supreme Court

The best prospect for reform of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) is no longer with the Legislature or the Governor, but at the...

An Unhealthy Dependence on the Rich

Upper-income taxpayers are paying the highest share ever of the California personal income tax. This is good news in good times, but underscores the need...