Loren Kaye was appointed president of the California Foundation for Commerce and Education in January 2006 and retired at the end of December 2024. He has devoted his career to developing, analyzing and implementing public policy issues in California, with a special emphasis on improving the state's business and economic climate. He also was a gubernatorial appointee to the state's Little Hoover Commission, charged with evaluating the efficiency and effectiveness of state agencies and programs. Kaye served in senior policy positions for Governors Pete Wilson and George Deukmejian, including Cabinet Secretary to the Governor and Undersecretary of the California Trade and Commerce Agency. Kaye is a graduate of the University of California, San Diego, with a degree in political science.

High Court Ruling Raises Questions on Passage of Local Special Taxes

How many voters does it take to pass a local special tax? Since Proposition 13 in 1978, voters have had the final say on local...

Division Not a Fix for California Woes

Tim Draper believes California is three states struggling within the boundaries of one, and wants to set them free. Voters will have the chance in November to decide if they share his vision that more governments make better governance.

CalChamber Policy Advocates Beat the Odds

You had a better chance of hitting 00 on the roulette wheel than killing a bill in the first house of the Legislature this...

Businesses Can Help California Schools Train Students for ‘New Collar’ Jobs

The key to California’s long-term economic growth can be found in the classroom.

Four Ways California Can Help Get More Grads Ready for College, Career

The California economy is humming. Unemployment is at historic lows, even in many parts of the state often left behind in good times. But even...

Federal Tax Reform Means More Business Taxes for California

California’s corporate tax base may increase by up to 12% as a result of federal tax reform legislation, according to a study recently released...

7 Ballot Measures Threaten California Business Climate

Voters may face as many as seven ballot measures damaging to California’s business and political climate in November. Any one of these measures should...

New Chamber Network Brings Employers Ways to Help Build Future Workforce

The California Chamber of Commerce and the Linked Learning Alliance have launched a new California network of employer associations committed to advancing youth opportunities...

Timely Economic Analysis of Major Regs Upheld in Unanimous Appeal Court Ruling

State agencies must take seriously the requirement to conduct a timely, accurate economic analysis of major regulations, according to a just-released opinion by the...

Translating Attitudes: CalChamber Poll Finds Voters Open to a Middle Lane

The Third Annual California Chamber of Commerce Poll (see November 3 Alert) found California voters generally anxious about the future. Voters are very concerned...

CalChamber Poll Finds Voters’ Concerns at Odds with Political Leaders

Californians are anxious. The economy is growing, the state budget is balanced and the rains have resumed. Yet California voters are apprehensive about the future....

State Supreme Court Ruling May Threaten Longstanding Local Taxpayer Protections

A California Supreme Court decision makes it easier to raise some local taxes. But how much easier remains to be seen. For two decades, local...

How Do We Address Housing Crisis? One Incremental Step at a Time

Productively addressing California’s housing crisis will require a long slog, not a magic bullet. The effective policies are politically treacherous, while the easy victories...

Paying for Single-Payer: Put Up or Move On

Since the best feature of the Healthy California Act is that all health care will be free, it seems churlish to suggest that someone...

Improving a Good Thing: Legislature Can Make Regulatory Reform Even Better

One of the few significant pro-business reforms to emerge from the Legislature during the recession was a more robust cost-effectiveness requirement for administrative regulations. Authored...

Expanding Opportunity

It’s a timeworn California cliché: an earthquake splits the state from the rest of the country—freeing us from the hidebound thinking of Old America. Well,...

Analysis Finds California Factors Dampen Upward Mobility for Poor

Children born to low-income parents in California have slightly higher lifetime earnings than children born to low-income parents in other states—but not because they...