The California Chamber of Commerce is the largest, broad-based business advocate to government in California, working at the state and federal levels to influence government actions affecting all California business. As a not-for-profit, we leverage our front-line knowledge of laws and regulations to provide affordable and easy-to-use compliance products and services.

Registration Opens for Capitol Summit

Registration has opened for the 2019 California Chamber of Commerce Capitol Summit and related events, set for May 22–23 in Sacramento. The half-day Capitol Summit...

Seeking Nominations for Outstanding Small Business Leaders

The California Chamber of Commerce is seeking nominations for its annual Small Business Advocate of the Year Award. The award recognizes small business owners who...

New Bill to Modify Privacy Law Will Hurt Small Businesses, Kill Jobs

A new proposal to modify the state privacy law that is still being modified will create a litigation nightmare, the California Chamber of Commerce...

Governor Lists Next Steps in Upcoming ‘Tough Calls’

“Hard decisions” are “coming due,” Governor Gavin Newsom said this week in his first State of the State Address. Water, energy, high-speed rail, housing, health...

2019 Issues Guide Available on Website

The California Chamber of Commerce 2019 Business Issues and Legislative Guide is available now on the CalChamber website at www.calchamber.com/businessissues. This easy-to-reference publication presents ways...

Rate of Fatal Work Injuries in California Remains Same Year Over Year

The Department of Industrial Relations (DIR) reports that 376 Californians died on the job in 2017, the same as in 2016. California’s workplace fatality rate...

Finance Director Presents Budget Proposal Highlights

We are in extraordinary times right now, but that is punctuated by a lot of uncertainty, California Finance Director Keely Martin Bosler commented this week to a luncheon audience of more than 100 business leaders at the California Chamber of Commerce

2018 Major Victories

California Promise: Opportunity for All The California Chamber of Commerce is the voice of California businesses of all sizes, expert at promoting pro-job policies and...

Governor Newsom Outlines ‘California for All’ Mission

Newly inaugurated Governor Gavin Newsom began the week presenting his vision of “a California for all” on January 7, then took steps to implement...

Newsom Elevates Labor Commissioner Su to Head State Agency; Picks Business Founder/Forward Thinker as Chief Economic Adviser

The team Governor Gavin Newsom has selected to lead key efforts in his administration includes individuals with many years of experience in both governing...

Governor Newsom Names Key Administration Leaders

Following is a partial list of people Governor Gavin Newsom has appointed so far to leadership posts in his administration. For a fuller list, see...

Tourism Industry Jobs Form Big Piece of California’s Economic Foundation

Vacations to California’s natural wonders, cultural riches and exciting city attractions fuel stable employment and the world’s fifth largest economy.

2018 Advocacy Return on Investment

Please click here or the image below for the PDF version.

Reminders: W-2s Due January 31 to IRS; 2019 Mileage Rates

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) reminds employers and other businesses of the January 31 deadline that now applies to filing Form W-2 wage statements...

Evans Hotels Exec to Chair CalChamber Board in 2019

Grace Evans Cherashore, executive chairwoman of Evans Hotels, provider of San Diego waterfront resorts, has been elected the 2019 chair of the California Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors.

CalChamber Public Affairs Conference

Photos by Matt Lara