Tag: WTO

Global Trade Groups Forecast Economic Slowdown in Coming Months

Earlier this month, both the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) issued forecasts of slowing growth in international trade. On October...

Groups Predict Trade Momentum to Slow Due to Multiple Shocks on Global Economy

World trade is headed for a slowdown, according to forecasts released by two global groups this month. In an updated trade outlook released on October...

World Trade Organization Pledges to Tackle Reform, Extends Digital Trade No-Tax Pact

The World Trade Organization (WTO) held its 12th Ministerial Conference last week in Geneva after thrice postponing the gathering due to the COVID-19 pandemic. By...

Biden Signs Package to End Trade Relations with Russia, Ban Russian Oil Imports

President Joe Biden signed legislation earlier this month ending permanent normal trade relations (PNTR) with Russia and codifying a ban on Russian oil. The bipartisan...

Trade Representative Releases Report on China’s WTO Compliance

Fifty years after President Richard Nixon made his historic visit to China, 20 years after China joined the World Trade Organization (WTO), and following...

World Trade Organization Postpones Ministerial Conference

New travel restrictions due to the omicron virus variant have forced yet another shift in the timetable for the World Trade Organization (WTO) ministerial...

New Deputies at World Trade Organization Include 1 from U.S.; 2 of 4 Are Women

World Trade Organization (WTO) Director-General Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala announced the appointment of her four deputy directors-general earlier this month. The new deputy directors-general are Angela Ellard...

Global Groups Express Cautious Optimism for Post-Pandemic Worldwide Recovery

Economic reports recently released by two key global organizations present cautiously optimistic signs for worldwide recovery. World Trade Organization The World Trade Organization (WTO) reported on...

World Trade Organization Slowly Begins to Move Forward on Path to Reform

On March 1, day one in her new position, World Trade Organization (WTO) Director General Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala warned members they must start producing new...

CalChamber Outlines Trade Priorities for Congress, Federal Officials

As the Biden-Harris administration and 117th Congress get to work, the California Chamber of Commerce is communicating its international trade priorities and support for...