Tag: Independent Contractors

Independent Contractor Coalition Continues Working for Legislative Solution

The effort to develop a proposal supporting the ability of workers to work independently will continue through the legislative recess. As many employers know, the...

Coalition Rally Participants Urge Legislators to Protect Independent Contractors

Hundreds of independent contractors gathered at the State Capitol on August 15 to urge policymakers to suspend any application of a recent court ruling...

Independent Contractor Test: Legislature Should Act

During an interview with KPCC radio this week, Jennifer Barrera, senior vice president of policy for the California Chamber of Commerce, highlighted the urgent...

Capitol Insider Blog — Get the App for the Latest Insights on Lobbying and Current Events in the Legislature

With just a few weeks remaining in the current session of the California

Coalition Builds Support for Independent Workers

The California Chamber of Commerce is leading a coalition of businesses and organizations in support of workers’ ability to work independently. Through its website at...

How to Pay Employee Who Hasn’t Completed Tax Withholding Forms

If an employee quits after working only a day or two, and before completing a W-4 tax withholding form, can we just pay him...

California Supreme Court Adopts New Test for Deciding Independent Contractor Status

The California Supreme Court has issued its much-anticipated decision on which test should be applied when determining whether an individual is an employee or...

Is Worker an Employee or Independent Contractor?

Properly classifying an individual as an employee versus an independent contractor has always been a daunting task for any business/employer, especially in California. A...

Independent Contractor Price Setting Bill Stopped

The author of a California Chamber of Commerce-opposed job killer bill that would increase prices for consumers and businesses who utilize the services of...

Don’t Make One Employer Liable for Another’s Misclassification

The California Chamber of Commerce has joined a “friend of the court” brief arguing for the application of the plain meaning of the California...