Tag: Energy

In Memoriam: Edwin A. Guiles

Edwin A. Guiles, 2008 chair of the California Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors, passed away on June 7 at the age of 69. While...

California Electricity Prices: No. 7 in U.S.

The annual U.S. electricity price map released by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Global Energy Institute shows California average electricity retail prices are among...

Governor Lists Next Steps in Upcoming ‘Tough Calls’

“Hard decisions” are “coming due,” Governor Gavin Newsom said this week in his first State of the State Address. Water, energy, high-speed rail, housing, health...

A Chance for California to Lead Us Back from the Brink on Frivolous Climate Suits

A little over a year ago, the city and county of Santa Cruz filed suit against several energy companies seeking money for property damage allegedly linked to climate change.

Strong California Economy Will Allow Next Governor to Address These Issues

The top priorities for California’s next governor ought to reflect what is on the minds of Californians. With our diverse population, geography and business community,...

Just 1 Job Killer Remains

Strong opposition from the California Chamber of Commerce and its allies in the closing days of the legislative session prevented one energy-related job killer...

Why a Regional Power Grid Brings Energy Security to Businesses/Consumers

Reliable energy infrastructure is a hallmark of a modern world, and affordable power is vital for economic development and social cohesion. Ensuring that electricity...

Senate Committee OKs First Step Toward Reliable Regional Energy Grid

A California Chamber of Commerce-supported bill that will promote energy efficiency and grid reliability won approval from a Senate policy committee this week. AB 813...

CalChamber-Opposed Bill Will Increase Energy Costs

Legislation that will lead to increased energy costs has passed the Senate, is under consideration in the Assembly and is opposed by the California...

California-Mexico Partnership Luncheon Features Innovations in Energy, Education

Energy projects that are helping foster innovations in California and Mexico were highlighted this week at an international luncheon forum co-hosted by the California...