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Climate Change Job Killer Bills: 1 Stopped; 1 Goes to Governor

On the final day of the session, Assembly members heeded the concerns raised by the California Chamber of Commerce and a coalition of more...

Bill to Relicense Diablo Canyon Power Plant Goes to Governor

In the final hours of the session, legislators passed and sent to the Governor a CalChamber-supported bill, SB 846 (Dodd; D-Napa), that provides the...

Update on COVID Paid Sick Leave

AB 152 (Committee on Budget) COVID-19 Supplemental Paid Sick Leave passed the Legislature on August 31 and awaits action by the Governor. The bill establishes...

Rushed Climate Change Bill Earns Job Killer Tag

The California Chamber of Commerce has labeled a last-minute greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction proposal a job killer. The bill, AB 2133 (Quirk; D-Hayward), was...

CalChamber Adds Threat to State Oil/Gas Employment to Job Killer List

Legislation threatening state oil and gas development operations and employment in related industries has been added to the job killer list. SB 1137 (Lena Gonzalez;...

Standards Board Moving to Adopt Non-Emergency COVID Regulation

I hear that the Cal/OSHA Standards Board will be presenting for public comment and future adoption a final version of the Emergency Temporary Standards...

Now Permanent: California’s Streamlined Work Sharing Program Process

Initially a temporary fix to a COVID-19-related economic slowdown, the Employment Development Department’s (EDD) online, streamlined Unemployment Insurance (UI) Work Sharing program process is...

School’s Back in Session: Recap of Leaves Available to Working Parents

In Episode 159 of The Workplace podcast, CalChamber Labor and Employment Vice President Bianca Saad and CalChamber employment law expert Matthew Roberts provide a...

U.S., Taiwan Begin Formal Negotiations for Initiative on 21st-Century Trade

The United States and Taiwan have begun formal negotiations on the U.S.-Taiwan Initiative on 21st-Century Trade. The two sides announced on August 17 that they...

Governor Newsom Releases Water Supply Strategy

Governor Gavin Newsom announced a four-point strategy on August 11 to increase California’s water supplies and help the state adapt to the extreme weather...