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CalChamber Urges Support for Governor’s Infrastructure Plan

The California Chamber of Commerce is urging legislators to adopt the bills in Governor Gavin Newsom’s infrastructure streamlining package. These proposals, CalChamber President and CEO...

How to Track Family Leave When Workweek Includes a Holiday

We have an employee that is currently on California Family Rights Act (CFRA)/Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) leave and will be using leave...

CalChamber-Opposed Bills Miss Deadline

Two problematic bills opposed by the California Chamber of Commerce failed to move out of the Assembly last week and are likely dead for...

Visit California Partners with Communities to Drive Smart, Sustainable Tourism Growth

This article is a part of a series of profiles of CalChamber member companies that are contributing to the state’s economic strength and ability...

Identifying Indicators of Distress and Ways Employers Can Help

In Episode 176 of The Workplace podcast, CalChamber employment law expert Matthew Roberts speaks with clinical social worker Amanda Gibson about mental health in...

Employer Best Practices to Ensure Compliance with State Equal Pay Act

In Episode 177 of The Workplace podcast, CalChamber employment law expert Matthew Roberts sits down with Bianca Saad, CalChamber vice president of labor and...

Economic Analyses Assess Job Loss, Budget Impact of Job Killer Bills

The economic impacts of two labor and employment bills identified as job killers by the California Chamber of Commerce are projected in recent analyses...

Infrastructure, Innovation Highlighted by Key Speakers

California’s infrastructure needs and ability to find innovative solutions were highlighted last week in remarks at the 97th Annual Sacramento Host Breakfast. California Governor Gavin...

Two Job Killer Bills Held in Appropriations; 2 Job Creators Move

Eight job killer proposals identified by the California Chamber of Commerce this year remain alive after last week’s deadline for fiscal committees to send...

Even in ‘At-Will’ California, It’s Wise to Follow Disciplinary Process

We opened up an office in California recently. We have a couple of problem employees, but I heard California employment is “at-will” and we...