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Holiday Pay for Exempt Employees Depends on Employer’s Policy

Does an exempt employee have to be paid for a holiday for which the employer closes? Perhaps. California law does not require an employer to pay...

Threat of Product Shipment Delays Looms as Port Worker Contract Talks Continue

The impact of the West Coast port disruption is becoming increasingly dire as the holiday season quickly approaches. The dispute centers on ongoing contract...

Lawmakers, Experts, Journalists Discuss Election Results, State Policies, Political Strategies

Incoming freshman Assembly members share the challenges they faced in their respective districts. Sophomore Assembly members give their perspectives on the hot button issues of...

CalChamber, Coalition Fight Proposal Expanding Federal Say on Water, Land Use

The California Chamber of Commerce has joined with 375 trade associations and chambers from 50 states to voice strong concerns with a proposal that...

CalChamber Calendar

Business Services Committee: December 4, San Francisco Education Committee: December 4, San Francisco CalChamber Fundraising Committee: December 4, San Francisco Water Committee: December 4, San Francisco Board of Directors: December 4–5, San Francisco International...

Governor Set to Begin Historic Fourth Term

Governor Edmund G Brown Jr., accompanied by First Lady Anne Gust Brown, smiles as he talks to reporters outside the old Governor’s Mansion after...

Voters, CalChamber Agree: Support Water Supply/Storage, Rainy Day Fund

California voters this week overwhelmingly passed California Chamber of Commerce-supported Proposition 1, the water bond, and Proposition 2, the rainy day reserve measure. CalChamber President...

Paid Family Leave Waiting Period Waived for Delayed Baby Bonding

My employee took a pregnancy disability leave for three months, and then came back to work as soon as she was released by her...

Pro-Jobs Candidates Gain Victories in November Legislative Races

Business groups scored significant wins Tuesday night in a number of hotly contested and very competitive legislative races from around the state. Candidates from...

Voters Reject Props. 45, 46; OK Prop. 47

California voters agreed with the California Chamber of Commerce in rejecting Propositions 45 and 46, but passed CalChamber-opposed Proposition 47. Proposition 45 would have given...