Following are brief summaries of the measures that will appear on the November General Election ballot. When the California Chamber of Commerce has taken...
Yes to Water Supply/Storage, Rainy Day Reserve
The California Chamber of Commerce is supporting Proposition 1 and Proposition 2 on the November general election ballot.
The California Chamber of Commerce is opposing Proposition 45, Proposition 46 and Proposition 47 on the upcoming November election ballot.
Proposition 45 gives the state...
Being a small manufacturing company with limited resources, how can I determine if and when the Occupational Safety and Health (Cal/OSHA) Standards Board is...
Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. has signed two California Chamber of Commerce-supported job creator bills.
On September 18, the Governor signed AB 1839 (Gatto; D-Los...
The following list summarizes top priority bills for the California Chamber of Commerce and their status as of August 31, when the Legislature began...
The landmark court decision striking down state teacher tenure laws was not anti-union or anti-teacher, but “pro student,” the attorney who led the legal...