Trade and investment opportunities in Mexico and California were the topic of discussion on May 5 at the California Chamber of Commerce International Luncheon...
A California Chamber of Commerce-opposed “job killer” bill that undermines cost-saving workers’ compensation reforms will be considered next by the full Senate.
SB 563 (Pan;...
The State Water Resources Control Board this week adopted an emergency regulation requiring a 25% reduction of potable water use in urban areas statewide.
The California Chamber of Commerce and a broad-based coalition are supporting the revised plan announced by the Governor to fix California’s aging water infrastructure...
Strong opposition from the California Chamber of Commerce and other business groups means several “job killer” bills won’t be advancing this year.
Short of Votes
Two California Chamber of Commerce-opposed “job killer” bills that limit in-state energy development passed the Assembly Natural Resources Committee this week.
• AB 356 (Williams;...
A California Chamber of Commerce-supported job creator bill that sought to expedite and reduce costs for housing projects failed to pass an Assembly policy...
The Assembly Labor and Employment Committee has passed a “job killer” bill imposing a one-size-fits-all scheduling mandate on general retail employers.
AB 357 (Chiu; D-San...
A mid-April policy trip to Cuba gave representatives of the California Chamber of Commerce and other interested travelers a look at conditions in the...