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Caution: Cap Rules for Paid Sick Leave, Paid Time Off Differ

We want to implement a combined vacation and sick leave paid time off (PTO) policy to meet the paid sick leave mandate. An employee...

Expert Panelists Bring Insights, Predictions to CalChamber Public Affairs Gathering

With 2016 being an election year, the California Chamber of Commerce Fall Public Affairs Conference this week brought together insiders from both major parties...

CalChamber Hosts Vietnamese Ambassador

Vietnamese Ambassador Pham Quang Vinh visited California in October in an effort to boost trade with the state. He stopped by the California Chamber...

CalChamber Actively Seeks California Water Solutions

The persistent drought has made water issues a very high priority for California voters, according to a recent poll. For the California Chamber of...

U.S. House Votes to Reauthorize Export-Import Bank

The U.S House of Representatives this week took the second step of a complicated process to reauthorize the Export-Import (Ex-Im) Bank. The 313-118 vote on...

CalChamber Steers Helpful Bills into Law, Stops Costly Mandates, Secures Changes

The 2015 legislative year was very active in the labor and employment policy arena. Overall, the California Chamber of Commerce was very successful with...

CalChamber Stops/Delays/Amends All But 2 Misguided Bills; Backs 1 Signed into Law

Increasing access to health care and prescription drugs was the main priority for state policymakers in 2015. While a number of measures that would...

New Rule Allows Use of Tractor-Mounted Worker Transport Carrier

We are an agribusiness specializing in row crops. Has Cal/OSHA amended Section 3441 to permit the use of devices attached to the three-point hitch...

Annual Meeting

In compliance with Article VII of the bylaws, notice is hereby given that the annual meeting of the members of the California Chamber of...

CalChamber Stops 18 of 19 Job Killer Bills in 2015

Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. vetoed the two California Chamber of Commerce-opposed job killer bills on his desk this week. In 2015, CalChamber identified...