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CalChamber, Coalition Continue to Voice Concerns on Draft Prop. 65 Warning Rules

Although improved since previous iterations, proposed revisions to the Proposition 65 warning regulations by the Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) continue to...

CalChamber, Mexican Consulate Share Strategies to Improve Relations

Strategies to improve the close relationship between Mexico and California were the focus when California Chamber of Commerce representatives met recently with the new...

Finance Director Recaps Budget for CalChamber

Managing state finances with a long-term view is a guiding principle for the Governor’s budget proposal for 2016–17, California Finance Director Michael Cohen told...

Lengthy Ballot Shaping Up for November

The November ballot is likely to include lots of issues for California voters to decide. So far there are two measures placed on the ballot...

U.S. Supreme Court Hears Challenge of California Teacher Union Fee

The U.S. Supreme Court this week heard arguments about the validity of a fee the California Teachers Association (CTA) charges nonunion members to cover...

Documenting Poor Performance Useful in Discrimination Claim Defense

We have a seasonal employee we have rehired every year for the past few years. He had a workers’ compensation claim last year but...

Flexible Workweek Bill Gets Senate Committee Ax

A California Chamber of Commerce-supported bill providing employers with the opportunity to accommodate employees’ needs as well as business demands by allowing employees to...

Trans-Pacific, Transatlantic Pacts Top CalChamber Trade Priorities for 2016

Pending agreements with Pacific nations and the European Union are international trade priorities for the California Chamber of Commerce as the 114th Congress convenes...

2015 Advocacy Return on Investment

Please click "Advocacy Return on Investment" for the PDF version.

Governor Urges Restraint in Proposed Fiscal Plan

Emphasizing his commitment to fiscal prudence, Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. this week proposed a $171 billion state balanced budget with no new general...