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Duplicative Heat Illness Bill Passes Senate Committee

A California Chamber of Commerce-opposed bill that needlessly creates more heat illness prevention regulations passed a Senate policy committee this week. SB 1167 (Leyva; D-Chino)...

Assembly Committee Rejects Bills to Expedite Water Supply Solutions

Legislation that aimed to speed construction of a project to expand the state’s ability to store water in wet times for use in dry...

CalChamber Releases 2016 Preliminary Job Killer List

The California Chamber of Commerce this week released a preliminary list of job killer bills to call attention to the negative impact that 18...

CalChamber, Coalition Back Transparency Initiative

The California Chamber of Commerce is part of a diverse coalition that has endorsed a proposed ballot initiative to rein in special interests and...

Minimum Wage Job Killer Goes to Governor

The Legislature this week passed SB 3 (Leno; D-San Francisco), a job killer bill that will increase the minimum wage in California to $15...

New Manufacturing Training Center Opens at CalChamber Member Site

A new training center has opened on the campus of California Chamber of Commerce member California Steel Industries, Inc. (CSI) near Fontana in San...

California Law Requires Employers to Pay Employees’ Expense Claims

Can we have a policy that employees’ expense claims must be turned in by a certain time period, and if the employee doesn’t meet...

U.S. High Court Deadlocks on Union Fee Case

In a one-sentence ruling on March 29, a deadlocked U.S. Supreme Court upheld a system allowing public employers to require nonunion public workers to...

CalChamber Seeks Stronger Accountability in Rulemaking

A California Chamber of Commerce-supported bill to strengthen the accountability and transparency of the state’s regulatory process will be considered soon by an Assembly...

Drought-Proof Water Supply Bill Pending in Assembly Committee

A California Chamber of Commerce-supported bill that sets a state goal to promote desalination is awaiting a hearing in the Assembly Water, Parks and...