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Housing Job Killer Bill to Be Heard in Senate Committee

A California Chamber of Commerce-opposed job killer bill that will erode housing availability will be heard in a Senate committee on April 20. SB 1150...

Guns at Work: California Law Differs from Many States

My employee has a concealed carry permit and wants to bring his gun to work. He says if I don’t allow it in the...

22 CalChamber Members on Fortune List of ‘100 Best Companies to Work For’

Twenty-two California Chamber of Commerce member companies have been named by Fortune magazine as among the “100 Best Companies to Work For.” Each year, the...

Targeted Tax Becomes No. 19 on Job Killer List

The California Chamber of Commerce this week added a targeted tax to its job killer list, bringing the total number of bills on the...

CalChamber Identifies 2016 Job Creator Bills

The California Chamber of Commerce this week released its list of job creator bills, calling attention to 12 bills that will improve the state’s...

State High Court Rules on Suitable Seating

The California Supreme Court this week issued a long-awaited decision on the issue of when an employer must provide “suitable seats” to an employee. The...

Minimum Wage Hike Becomes Law; Overview of Implications for Employers

California is the first state in the nation to commit to raising the minimum wage to $15 per hour statewide. Employers need to prepare...

Reason for Travel Determines Whether Travel Time Must Be Paid

Our hourly employees report to work at the office and then travel from one work location to another using their own car, and we...

3 CalChamber Members on Forbes List of ‘Best Small Companies in America’ 2016

Three California Chamber of Commerce member companies have been selected by Forbes magazine as among “The Best Small Companies in America” in 2016. The small...

CalChamber-Supported Affordable Housing Bill Moves

A California Chamber of Commerce-supported bill that helps create affordable housing opportunities passed an Assembly policy committee last week with unanimous bipartisan support. AB 2817 (Chiu;...