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Trade Critical to California in U.S. Economy

International trade has come under attack in the recent presidential election campaign, and it is important for all to understand the significance that trade...

CalChamber Participates in Equal Pay Task Force Meeting at Capitol

California Chamber of Commerce Policy Advocate Jennifer Barrera joined other members of the California Pay Equity Task Force recently to discuss how to implement...

CalChamber Election Special

This special electronic edition of Alert pulls together all things election-related that the California Chamber of Commerce has distributed in recent months. Collected here for...

State Legislative Races Central to Fight for Employer-Friendly Laws

In addition to the 17 ballot propositions and the national election, California voters will be asked to cast ballots in 120 legislative races. In previous...

Time Off to Vote Obligations

With the November 8 general election only one week away, employers should already have been displaying a poster describing voting leave requirements. Employers must display...

CalChamber Offers Employers Guidelines for Political Communications to Employees

A brochure available online from the California Chamber of Commerce offers employers a concise overview of the do’s and don’ts of communicating with employees...

Sample Election Message to Employees

Remember to Vote As you consider your choices on the November ballot, we want to share with you the positions of the California Chamber of...

CalChamber Offers Handy Guide to November Propositions

The September 3 edition of Alert presented a seven-page special report on the November ballot measures, including brief summaries of the California Chamber of...

CalChamber Backs Prop 51

The California Chamber of Commerce is urging its members to support Proposition 51, the Kindergarten through Community College Public Education Facilities Bond Act of...

Numerous California Newspapers Endorse Proposition 52

With just a week until the General Election, newspapers up and down the state have published editorials urging a “yes” vote on California Chamber...